A sunflower in a white and blue teapot

You Have Reasons To Be Confident

A sunflower in a white and blue teapot

Perhaps here lately, like me, you’ve lent an ear to some of those voices that would like you to believe that you’re not good enough for one reason or another.  That you have reason to be embarrassed about yourself, who you are, what you have or don’t have, maybe what you look like.  That you’re not good enough.  That you can’t.  Or at least, you probably really shouldn’t.

The fact is that at one time or another we all, no matter who we are, where we come from or what we do, fall victim to these voices.  We listen a little too long.  We give them too much credence.  They beg us to compare, and we start to believe.  

And real danger lies there. 

Because those voices lie.

They are destructive.  They tear down.  And if we begin to make decisions, even small ones, based on those lies, they will rob us of joy, friendships and even purpose.  They will put us in a box so small that it’s hard to get out.

And that’s no way to live life.

Sunflower and coral rose

In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that Satan came to steal, kill and destroy, but that He came so we could have life abundantly.  I’ve got to tell you, friend, living boxed in by lies isn’t life abundantly. As a matter of fact, it’s no life at all.

But you don’t have to lose.  If you have accepted Jesus as Lord of your life, then you have what it takes to squash those lies no matter how big you’ve let them get.  You just have to know what God says about you instead. 

Start saying what God says is true and believing it.  And just watch those lies wither away.

Did you know that you are:

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!  There is so much to learn and know about who you are in Christ.  And that is where your true strength, ability and confidence comes from!  You have more reasons to be Confident in Christ than you realize.  Let’s combat the lies with Truth and live the confident lives we were meant to live!

*** PIN this reminder & live confident!***

We all listen to the voices that can destroy our confidence. But know who we really are in Christ will keep those lies at bay so you can live an abundant life! Scriptures included. #southerndiscourse #confidence #identityinChrist





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I can’t wait to discover more of God’s abundant life with you.

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