And He Overcame The World By The Word of His Testimony
Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will declare what he has done for my soul. Psalms 66:16
A story can be a powerful thing. Stories have the ability to become a shared experience between the one who lived it and the reader or listener. Stories speak to the heart. Stories create connections where normally there might be none.
Our words- the ones we choose to say, to think, to write, the stories we choose to tell- are important. Proverbs 18:21 says that the power of life and death are in the tongue.
Our words have power. They either breed poison, or they bear fruit. What are we sowing?
Our words either come from our faith, or they come from our flesh. Are our words reflecting the HOPE OF OUR SALVATION?
Our words have the power to build up, or they have the power to tear down. Which are we doing?
Our words should be gracious, a well of living water, a balm. Who are we healing?
Our brothers and sisters need us. When we use our words to tell the stories of what He has done for us and to speak of His goodness, we invite God into our situations instead of despair, anger, or offense.
Someone who is hurting needs YOUR story, no matter how small or insignificant you think that story might be. Shine your light. Be a beacon of hope. Declare to all who will hear what God has done for you! This is how we change the world.
Don’t feel like you have a story? This is for you.
My mouth shall tell of your righteous acts and your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is more than I know. Psalms 71:14
This is my friend Josh’s story. I hope you take the time to listen. His story is an important one, but one you will not likely hear many other places.
And he overcame [the world] by the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony. Revelations 12:11
Joshua Christmas lives in Nashville, TN with his wife and young son where he works for The Bridge Ministry and as a chef. If you would like to know more about Josh, his story, or if you would like Josh to pray for you, you can connect with him on Facebook (Joshua Christmas). To learn more about The Bridge Ministry in Nashville, click here.
If you would like to know more about having a personal relationship with Christ, simply drop me a line using the contact form or click here.
YOUR Testimony- Your Part to Play!
Not all of us have a story like Josh’s that we can share, but we each have a testimony that is important and can be used to communicate the love of Christ to others. (YES! Even YOU!) Here are some things you can include when you share a testimony:
- how you came to truly know Jesus and that He loved YOU,
- God’s miraculous intervention and work in a specific event(s) in your life,
- how God brought you through a difficult time- you trusted and your faith grew!,
- describe the little things- those everyday events that are the joys of a personal relationship with Him
- when you experienced God’s love
- the Gospel- the GOOD NEWS of God’s love and sacrifice for us
- Remember to include a scripture!
Recommended reading:
- James 3
- Proverbs 10:11
- Proverbs 6:2
- 2 Timothy 1:8
- Psalms 71:14-17
- Psalms 119:46
- 1 Peter 3:4
- Mark 5:19
- 1 John 5:4
title photo credit: Melissa Weise