When It’s More of a Womp, Womp Than A Woohoo
Life has been messy lately. Even downright difficult. And while there have certainly been good days, there have been a whole lot more womp, womps that woohoos.
Do you know what I mean? Nothing terrible, nothing tragic. Just one little frustation after another after another… Eating away at your joy, confidence. Little things that get you down, zap your energy, and keep you from your purpose.
To put it simply, life has been eating my lunch. And I’ve let it.
And I am a little ashamed about that. Because seriously. I feel I should be handling it better. After all, I know how to pray, how to rest in His promises, how to hear His voice, how to overcome…
But still… here I sit… treading water instead of writing a faith story. No, it’s worse. I’ve been letting my circumstances do all the writing.
But it’s time to take the pen back. It’s time for an override.
Thank goodness our God is in the business of overrides. The real truth is He has been there the whole time with exactly what I’ve needed. He’s just been waiting for me to look up.
God tells us about a man just like most of us in 2 Kings 6. This man is the servant to God’s prophet Elisha. And in 2 Kings, we find him overwhelmed by the inescapable circumstances he sees mounting up against Elisha and himself.
“What will we do?” the servant asks.
Elisha answers, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.” So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around.
Eisha’s request was that his servant could actually see the reality of their situation. Their natural circumstances didn’t represent the whole story, only part of it and just a tiny part of it at that! Elisha and his servant had a countless army of fiery horses and chariots on their side about to take of business!
Had the servant not seen what the spiritual reality of his situation was, he would have continued to be overwhelmed.
David understood this too. In Psalms 121, he says “I will lift my eyes up to the hills where my help comes from…” David knew that as long as he kept his eyes on his circumstances, he was not going to succeed.
Is it time for an override in your life? God is waiting there with all the help we need. Are you ready to look up? Let’s do it together.

I appreciate your honesty and I thank you for the wonderful reminders of God’s love and care.
Hoping for those thoughts to permeate your days.
Jan, love you much! Thank you!
Stacey I’ve known you “from a far” – or as you zip up Jacks Creek 🙂 Reading your blogs on Southern Discourse and I am taken — I am loving your heart and how you share…Thank you for being God’s person – Yes, Blessed Assurance is Mine !!
Zipping, yes, always! Thank you for reading! I am so honored.
You did an excellent job on this post. As a mother of a teenager, I can totally relate to what you had to say. What a great reminder that we are not alone and His grace is always sufficient!
This teenage thing! Ha! I know it’s only for a moment, but I am just going to keep on nurturing and molding and guiding and loving. You’re right! Thank goodness His grace IS sufficient!